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A Drug Warrior in our Midst

by Ballard Quass, the Drug War Philosopher

October 25, 2019

elcome to the DEA Lounge!

Let's hear it for Johnny English and the Band!

[laughter] [applause]

They've got a lot of nerve, starting their set off with "Quinn the Eskimo" like that.

[drum] [laughter]

In the DEA Lounge of all places.


Don't they know that the government does not allow improved thinking and expanded consciousness via plants -- the coca leaves included?

Never mind that indigenous South Americans have used them for ages to achieve mental clarity.

Never mind that Sigmund Freud himself achieved prodigious vocational output and thus self-fulfillment via cocaine.


Uh-oh. We seem to have a Drug Warrior in our midst. You've got to realize, madam, that it's absurd to criminalize plants and thereby make a black market and generate all sorts of violence.


All I can say is, I hope you're enjoying that Bahama Mama while you're hypocritically trash-talking Mother Nature's plants.

[drum] [laughter]

What about Sigmund Freud and cocaine?

Freud was like, "That psychotherapy mumbo jumbo is all well and good for my patients, but I demand REAL treatment in my own life, thank you very much!"


But it's funny trying to argue against the fascist Drug War on line.


And I call it fascist advisedly, mind you, because {^the Drug War is nothing but the enforcement of Christian Science with respect to mental states.}{


My name it Thomas de Qunicey, and I'll be here through Friday, or until the United States outlaws criticism of its disgraceful Drug War, which could happen any day, considering that the government has already had the chutzpah to outlaw the plants and fungi that grow at our very feet.

[laughter] [applause]

Yes, madam, I'm sure you're very proud of yourself for having given up the vast majority of nature's godsend medicines, but I'll thank you not to make Christian Science the state religion with your anti-scientific drug laws.

[laughter] [applause]

For more groundbreaking anti-Drug War essays and comedy, visit, preferably before it's outlawed by people like motormouth here.

Yes, of course, madam. Whatever.


The drug war is laughable -- or it would be if the drug warriors hadn't deprived us of laughing gas, the substance that William James himself used to study alternate realities. (Gee, thanks, folks, for censoring academia. Don't worry, though, I'm not going to call you prohibitionists 'fascist bastards' on THAT account. Mom just didn't raise me like that.)_

  • A Dope Comedy Routine About Drugs
  • A Drug Warrior in our Midst
  • A Misguided Tour of Monticello
  • American City Homicide Awards 2021
  • Blowing Up Arkansas
  • Campfire Stories about America's Drug War
  • Comedian Adderall Zoloft Riffs on the Drug War
  • COPS PRESENTS the top 10 traffic stops of 2023
  • Dragnet meets the Drug War
  • Drug War Comedy Routine
  • Drug War Copaganda
  • Drug War Jeopardy!
  • Drug War: the Musical!
  • Funny Animated Gifs about America's imperialist and racist Drug War
  • Introduction to the Drug War Philosopher Website at
  • One of these things is not like the other
  • Plants Divine, All Plants Excelling
  • Public Service Announcements for the Post-Drug War Era
  • Rat Out Your Neighbors
  • The DEA: Poisoning Americans since 1973
  • The Drug War Board Game
  • The Joy of Drug Testing
  • Thought Crimes Blotter

  • Next essay: How Drug Warriors Steal American Elections
    Previous essay: Review of When Plants Dream
    More Essays Here

    The latest hits from Drug War Records, featuring Freddie and the Fearmongers!

    1. Requiem for the Fourth Amendment

    2. There's No Place Like Home (until the DEA gets through with it)

    3. O Say Can You See (what the Drug War's done to you and me)

    computer screen with words DRUG WAR BLOG

    Some Tweets against the hateful war on drugs

    That's another problem with "following the science." Science downplays personal testimony as subjective. But psychoactive experiences are all ABOUT subjectivity. With such drugs, users are not widgets susceptible to the one-size-fits-all pills of reductionism.
    His answer to political opposition is: "Lock them up!" That's Nazi speak, not American democracy.
    We need to stop using the fact that people like opiates as an excuse to launch a crackdown on inner cities. We need to re-legalize popular meds, teach safe use, and come up with common sense ways to combat addictions by using drugs to fight drugs.
    We need a few brave folk to "act up" by shouting "It's the drug war!" whenever folks are discussing Mexican violence or inner city shootings. The media treat both topics as if the violence is inexplicable! We can't learn from mistakes if we're in denial.
    In "Four Good Days" the pompous white-coated doctor ignores the entire formulary of mother nature and instead throws the young heroin user on a cot for 3 days of cold turkey and a shot of Naltrexone: price tag $3,000.
    "Arrest made in Matthew Perry death." Oh, yeah? Did they arrest the drug warriors who prioritized propaganda over education?
    There is an absurd safety standard for "drugs." The cost/benefit analysis of the FDA & co. never takes into account the costs of NOT prescribing nor the benefits of a productive life well lived. The "users" are not considered stakeholders.
    More materialist nonsense. "We" are the only reason that the universe exists as a universe rather than as inchoate particles.
    In the board game "Sky Team," you collect "coffees" to improve your flying skills. Funny how the use of any other brain-focusing "drug" in real life is considered to be an obvious sign of impairment.
    The 1932 movie "Scarface" starts with on-screen text calling for a crackdown on armed gangs in America. There is no mention of the fact that a decade's worth of Prohibition had created those gangs in the first place.
    More Tweets

    front cover of Drug War Comic Book

    Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans

    You have been reading an article entitled, A Drug Warrior in our Midst published on October 25, 2019 on For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)