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More Weed Bashing at the Washington Post

by Ballard Quass, the Drug War Philosopher

April 20, 2023

he media continues to beat up on marijuana. The Washington Post tells us today that, "Sorry, weed does not increase your creativity."

What the Post really means is that weed does not increase your creativity in a materialist fashion. You can't simply smoke weed and, hey presto, become more creative, as one might take an aspirin to combat a headache. But this is a commonplace, not a bombshell.

With psychoactive drugs, however, you participate in the drug-taking experience. The materialist model does not apply. If you bring creativity to the experience, weed can then leverage that creativity for artistic purposes. For those who disagree, I have but one word for you: jazz. Of course, you first have to believe that a psychoactive drug can help you -- and this is a qualification that materialists abhor: they can only understand one-size-fits-all drugs that work regardless of whether anyone believes in them or not.

It's funny: when the media run out of scare facts to turn us away from Mother Nature's medicines, they resort to articles like this one which make the feeble point that a given botanical may not be as useful as we think it is.

Well, so what? It's a plant, for God's sake. Shut the hell up and re-legalize it already.

This is the problem with go-slow drug legalization. Marijuana becomes the poster child and straw man for the reform movement. That's a sideshow that distracts us from the main point: that God said his creation was good and that we thereby demand our right to mother nature. Those who disagree with us have their own nature-hating religion (according to which God is said to have created "junk" and "dope"). Let them go practice it in private without imposing their views on the world at large with a prohibition that has been demonstrably shown to kill and disenfranchise minorities by the hundreds of thousands.

This is not a matter of science or politics: it's a matter of natural law -- the natural law that Reagan's DEA violated when it stomped onto Monticello and confiscated Thomas Jefferson's poppy plants. I repeat: confiscated his POPPY PLANTS. The fact that such an action seems "normal" to Americans shows how crazed America has become after 100 years of daily prohibition propaganda, mostly in the form of the censorship of all good news about psychoactive medicines.

Instead of telling us that weed won't increase our creativity, the Post should be warning us that anti-depressants will DECREASE it, a statement for which there is plenty of anecdotal evidence. But then who's going to fund the necessary studies on such an allegation? Certainly not the advertisers who support the Post's fearmongering campaigns against re-legalizing Mother Nature.

For truth in advertising, the Post article mentioned above should have been titled "Why Blacks must keep dying in inner cities and why the rule of law must not be re-established in Mexico," for that's what happens when we outlaw natural substances based on the Chicken Little sniping of America's puritan and materialist prohibition movement.

Related tweet: June 10, 2023

Check out these prohibitionists who whine about the popularity of weed. It's like they outlawed steak and pork and then they complained about the popularity of chicken. I'd be more than happy to diversify my medicine cabinet once these clowns stop outlawing mother nature.


The drug war is the ultimate case of fearmongering. And yet academics and historians fail to recognize it as such. They will protest eloquently against the outrages of the witch hunts of yore, but they are blind to the witch hunts of the present. What is a drug dealer but a modern service magician, someone who sells psychoactive medicine designed to effect personal ends for the user? They are simply providing an alternative to materialistic medicine, which ignores common sense and so ignores the glaringly obvious value of such substances.

  • 'Intoxiphobia' by Russell Newcombe
  • Addicted to Addiction
  • America's Blind Spot
  • Beta Blockers and the Materialist Tyranny of the War on Drugs
  • Canadian Drug Warrior, I said Get Away
  • Disease Mongering in the age of the drug war
  • Drug Dealers as Modern Witches
  • Fentanyl does not kill! Prohibition does!
  • Five problems with The Psychedelic Handbook by Rick Strassman
  • Four reasons why Addiction is a political term
  • Ignorance is the problem, not drugs
  • Intoxiphobia
  • Kevin Sabet and What-About-Ism
  • Marci Hamilton Equates Drug Use with Child Abuse
  • Matthew Perry and the Drug War Ghouls
  • More Weed Bashing at the Washington Post
  • Oregon's Incoherent Drug Policy
  • Partnership for a Death Free America
  • Stigmatize THIS
  • The problem with Modern Drug Reform Efforts
  • What Goes Up Must Come Down?
  • Why Kevin Sabet is Wrong
  • Why Kevin Sabet's approach to drugs is racist, anti-scientific and counterproductive
  • Why the Drugs Reddit should not exist

  • Mass Media and Drugs

    The media have done all they can to support the drug war by holding the use of outlawed substances to safety standards that are never applied to any other risky activity on earth, meanwhile ignoring the fact that prohibition encourages ignorance and leads to contaminated drug supply. Thousands of American young people die each month because of unregulated supply and ignorance, not from drugs themselves.

    They also support the drug war by ignoring it. Just read any article on inner-city shootings or on the extraordinary violence that is forever breaking out in South America. It's all related to the fact that America, in its arrogance, taught the world to blame plant medicines for social problems. And there was no excuse. Liquor prohibition had already created the American Mafia: and yet the media sees no connection between the drug war and the violence judging by their news coverage.

    They also have a field day superstitiously blaming drugs. It used to be PCP, ICE, oxy, crack, and now it's fentanyl... Movies are now personifying these drugs in the forms of Crack Raccoons and Meth Gators. America has become so superstitious and childish about drugs that it's sad -- and the media can take much of the blame.

  • Attention American Screenwriters: please stop spreading Drug War propaganda
  • Colorado plane crash caused by milk!
  • Cop shows as drug war propaganda
  • COPS PRESENTS the top 10 traffic stops of 2023
  • COPS: TV Show for Racist Drug Warriors
  • Drug War Agitprop
  • Drug War Murderers
  • Fentanyl does not kill! Prohibition does!
  • Forbes Magazine's Laughable Article about Nitrous Oxide
  • Glenn Close but no cigar
  • How National Geographic slanders the Inca people and their use of coca
  • How Scientific American reckons without the drug war
  • How the Atlantic Supports the Drug War
  • How the Atlantic Supports the Drug War Part II
  • Introduction to the Drug War Philosopher Website at
  • Jim Beam and Drugs
  • Matthew Perry and the Drug War Ghouls
  • More Weed Bashing at the Washington Post
  • Movie Warnings from Uncommon Sense
  • Open Letter to Lisa Ling
  • Open Letter to Variety Critic Owen Glieberman
  • Science News Continues to Ignore the Drug War
  • Science News magazine continues to pretend that there is no war on drugs
  • Science News Unveils Shock Therapy II
  • Stigmatize THIS
  • The Runner: Racist Drug War Agitprop
  • The Unpeople of Southeast Washington, D.C.
  • Time for News Outlets to stop promoting drug war lies
  • Unscientific American: the hypocritical materialism of Elon Musk
  • Weed Bashing at WTOP.COM

  • Next essay: Assisted Suicide and the War on Drugs
    Previous essay: The aesthetic difference between addiction and chemical dependency
    More Essays Here

    The latest hits from Drug War Records, featuring Freddie and the Fearmongers!

    1. Requiem for the Fourth Amendment

    2. There's No Place Like Home (until the DEA gets through with it)

    3. O Say Can You See (what the Drug War's done to you and me)

    computer screen with words DRUG WAR BLOG

    Some Tweets against the hateful war on drugs

    Over 45% of traumatic brain injuries are caused by horseback riding (ABC News). Tell your representatives to outlaw horseback riding and make it a federal offence to teach a child how to ride! Brought to you by the Partnership for a Death Free America.
    That's my real problem with SSRIs: If daily drug use and dependency are okay, then there's no logical or truly scientific reason why I can't smoke a nightly opium pipe.
    My approach to withdrawal: incrementally reduce daily doses over 6 months, or even a year, meanwhile using all the legal entheogens and psychedelics that you can find in a way likely to boost your endurance and "sense of purpose" to make withdrawal successful.
    We've all been taught since grade school that human beings cannot use psychoactive medicines wisely. That is just a big fat lie. It's criminal to keep substances illegal that can awaken the mind and remind us of our full potential in life.
    The Partnership for a Death Free America is launching a campaign to celebrate the 50th year of Richard Nixon's War on Drugs. We need to give credit where credit's due for the mass arrest of minorities, the inner city gun violence and the civil wars that it's generated overseas.
    The DEA conceives of "drugs" as only justifiable in some time-honored ritual format, but since when are bureaucrats experts on religion? I believe, with the Vedic people and William James, in the importance of altered states. To outlaw such states is to outlaw my religion.
    Oregon's drug policy is incoherent and cruel. The rich and healthy spend $4,000 a week on psilocybin. The poor and chemically dependent are thrown in jail, unless they're on SSRIs, in which case they're congratulated for "taking their meds."
    The DEA has done everything it can to keep Americans clueless about opium and poppies. The agency is a disgrace to a country that claims to value knowledge and freedom of information.
    My local community store here in the sticks sells Trump "dollar bills" at the checkout counter. I don't know what's worse: a president encouraging insurrection or an electorate that does not see that as a problem.
    Getting off some drugs could actually be fun and instructive, by using a variety of other drugs to keep one's mind off the withdrawal process. But America believes that getting off a drug should be a big moral battle.
    More Tweets

    front cover of Drug War Comic Book

    Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans

    You have been reading an article entitled, More Weed Bashing at the Washington Post published on April 20, 2023 on For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)