What follows are a list of some conceptual stumbling blocks that I have encountered (thus far) in my ongoing attempts to understand and appreciate "The World as Will and Idea" by Arthur Schopenhauer. This essay is sure to be unpopular because it deals with abstract philosophy, but the patient reader will find that each of the three issues that I have raised below have real-world consequences when it comes to how human beings, and westerners in particular, conceive of the topic of drugs.
1) Schopenhauer tells us that the genius sees the world with "pure objectivity of perception," and is thus able to create great art, whether in the field of painting, poetry or even philosophy.
"The state which is required for pure objectivity of perception has partly permanent conditions in the perfection of the brain and the general physiological qualities favourable to its activity, partly temporary conditions, inasmuch as such a state is favoured by all that increases the attention and heightens the susceptibility of the cerebral nervous system, yet without exciting any passion."
I think I get it. The genius is expressed (or finds its outlet) in a combination of will and motive, which in turn requires a receptive brain. My problem arises from the fact that Schopenhauer immediately follows this statement with some Christian Science pablum worthy of any card-carrying Drug Warrior and/or behaviorist/reductive materialist:
"One must not think here," Schopenhauer writes, "of spirituous drinks or opium; what is rather required is a night of quiet sleep, a cold bath, and all that procures for the brain activity an unforced predominance by quieting the circulation and calming the passions."
How psychologically naïve can you get! Such patently false statements are worthy of the seemingly endless roster of self-help authors of 21st-century America who pretend that drugs do not exist and who use "words, words, words" in a vain attempt to give their readers the positive states of mind wherewith certain strategic and informed drug use could have inspired them in a trice. In the real world, a cold bath and a good night's sleep do very little, if anything, to get one outside of one's own ego and to see the world in terms of universals, just as the many feel-good magazine articles about conquering depression in 3, 5 or 10 easy steps have never put a dent in depression statistics. People need strong psychological medicine to make real progress in how they see the world, not the maternal platitudes of a philosophical Pollyanna. Maybe Schopenhauer was different in this regard, maybe a good night's sleep allowed him to truly see a world in a grain of sand, but if that was so, he rashly presupposed that the rest of us should also need only his own puritanical protocol to transcend self and see the world from the point of view of a genius, namely, as an abstract expression of the will writ large.
De Quincey used opium to appreciate opera from the point of view of a genius, which means, in Schopenhauer's own language, to sense the universal in the music and not the particular. The effect of the opium was to leave De Quincey's particular self in abeyance and to allow him to hear the joys and sorrows of humanity writ large in the music. The opium thus helped him bring out his genius. It was not necessarily a positive attribute of opium that accomplished this: it did not necessarily create the beauty and pathos born of ultimate considerations; rather, the drug silenced the background noise of "self" and/or "ego" that would have otherwise precluded the author from hearing the music at its deepest possible emotive level, something for which the author had a latent capacity thanks to his advanced intellect.
In short, opium did not impair De Quincey's ability to think like a genius, it facilitated it. This is all psychological common sense! Such drugs get us "outside of our head" and away from our sober grasping ego - or rather they have the potential to do so when used creatively and strategically by an educated person.
Yet Schopenhauer's prescription for "getting outside ourselves" and "experiencing the universal" is to get a good night's sleep and take a cold bath!
Poet Percy Shelley could have been speaking of this naïve prescription for genius when he wrote the following in his eulogy for John Keats:
"Frail spells whose utter'd charm might not avail to sever,
From all we hear and all we see,
Doubt, chance and mutability."
Conclusion: Like modern Drug Warriors and materialists, Schopenhauer presupposes that the "sober" mind (as that term is hypocritically defined by Westerners) is the best conduit for artistically grasping ultimate realities -- and nothing could be further from the truth, at least when it comes to the lion's share of humanity. In recommending sleep and a bath as a way to transcend the ego, the German pessimist betrays his ignorance, not just of drugs, but of common-sense psychology, the same common sense that is still ignored to this very day by self-help authors and drug researchers.
2) Schopenhauer's case for pessimism has its weak points.
Like Darwin, the German philosopher justified his pessimism about nature by frequent detailed appeals to the horror stories that occasionally play out in it.
"The wasps, for instance, who through the whole summer have with great care and labour fed their larvæ on the produce of their plundering, but now, in October, see the last generation of them facing starvation, sting them to death."
When pessimists wring their hands on the behalf of insects, they are basically saying the following:
"Wouldn't it be horrible to know that one lived in such a world?"
And yet the fact is that the insects (as far as we know) have no idea that they are living in such a world. We no more know what it is like to be an insect than Thomas Nagel knows what it's like to be a bat. For all we know, the insects feel an empowered sense of joy in performing all their busybody activity. Maybe they downright enjoy their workaday world. Whatever they do or do not experience, however, we can surely all agree that insects do not possess the foresight and reflection which alone could render their lives truly wretched and so justify philosophers in trotting out their life stories as a reason for regarding nature pessimistically.
3) Regarding Schopenhauer's view of pointlessness.
Schopenhauer does not precisely conclude that life is meaningless, but he certainly claims that most signs point in that direction. He cannot imagine any plausible reason for all this suffering.
Let me suggest one possibility. It may not be a knockdown blow against philosophical nihilists, but it might suggest some new productive lines of inquiry.
Schopenhauer tells us that as individuals we are all after personal happiness. Well, then, one might say that life is a giant jigsaw puzzle made up of millions of "parts" that have been thrown out in front of us as human beings. The implicit challenge for us, given this state of affairs, is to figure out how to put these pieces together in such a way as to render human beings happy. Seen in this light, the pessimists are like a man sitting in a boat who is complaining that the boat is sinking while failing to realize that the situation cries out for him to start bailing, that bailing is the whole purpose of his life, at least with regard to this particular scenario in which he finds himself. Instead, he keeps saying: "See? Life sucks, and this boat situation proves it!"
My goal is not to moralize here, but just to be rational. Let me place my idea in the form of a syllogism:
1: We value happiness.
2. Life does not give most people such happiness.
Conclusion: We need to put together "the pieces" given us in this puzzle of life in such a way as to create far more happiness. THAT is the point of our lives.
Most people would despair of such a goal of increasing the quotient of worldwide happiness, but that is only because most people dogmatically ignore the almost completely untapped potential of mood-elevating drugs to improve human life. Why? Because racist politicians decided long ago that America must be a drug-hating Christian Science theocracy and that we should never use "drugs" for the benefit of human beings. To this end, the racists have indoctrinated the entire world in the ideology of substance demonization and so deprived us of the one ace that humanity still has up its sleeve when it comes to battling for our species' survival in a hate-filled world overloaded with thermonuclear weapons, namely "drugs," or what could be far more accurately referred to as "potential godsend medicines." Drugs can lift our mood and help us reliably perform the many positive acts that the milquetoast authors of self-help books implicitly claim that we should be able to do without drugs. Schopenhauer might argue that the will cannot be changed, but we risk turning that into a self-fulfilling prophecy when we outlaw drug use for the purpose of changing basic mindset.
As a teenager, Paul Stamets overcame his stuttering habit in one afternoon after consuming a handful of mushrooms. The effect of the shrooms was to transport him outside of his ego, into an objective state viz. himself, wherein the then-budding mycologist could see his life situation in a new way and so change his maladaptive behavior. This is the kind of real politique that we need to bring to our attempts to improve mind and mood, rather than relying on politically correct cures concocted by self-help authors - or by philosophers, for that matter.
So when Schopenhauer says we cannot improve things - when he tells us that our selfish individual wills are destined to play out in a selfish and thus a destructive way - he is reckoning without drugs - just like almost every other philosopher who has ever opined on such topics.
Human beings have never honestly set out to find, understand and then strategically use the vast variety of natural and synthesizable empathogens and entheogens and other mood-elevating drugs in creative protocols that truly buoy mood and change outlooks, etc. Our ongoing failure to do so comes from our brainwashed allegiance to the substance-demonizing ideology of the Drug War. Depressed patients have reported making more progress in one single counseling session facilitated with MDMA than they had experienced in their previous six years of drug-free therapy sessions. Yet the penny refuses to drop. This is because the Drug Warriors have taught us to fear drugs rather than to understand them. And so we outlaw almost all drugs that affect mood and mind, which is just as cruel and senseless as it would be to outlaw drugs that affect physical conditions. This is ironic because America is the most drug-taking society in the world. It's just that the Drug War has given Big Pharma a monopoly on mind and mood medicine and almost all competition, natural or synthetic, has been ruthlessly outlawed.
But let's suppose that my supposition is correct, that the whole point of life is for us to find a way to render as many people as happy as possible. How would we proceed - realistically speaking, I mean, and not in the opinion of feel-good self-help authors? Feeling good means changing attitudes, after all, and that needs strong medicine - not simply a good night's sleep and a nice cold bath.
The first REALISTIC step toward maximum happiness would be to relegalize psychoactive drugs. We would then empower drug-savvy empaths to study all mood- and mind-altering substances to develop safe and sane ways to treat the hatred and gloom which is the hallmark of the modern westerner. Notice I say empaths, not scientists, for it has always been a category error to place materialist scientists in charge of mind and mood medicine. The absurd outcome of so doing is the proof. The behaviorists and materialists in modern medicine dogmatically ignore all the blatantly obvious benefits of outlawed drugs. Their idea, in particular, that opium has no positive uses is absolutely insane. The drug was considered a panacea by such ancient physicians as Avicenna, Paracelsus and Galen, and was used in religious rituals thousands of years ago in ancient Greece. To say it has no positive uses is therefore a political statement, or a behaviorist's "position statement," not a statement of fact. And then the Drug War chimes in to tell us that we are babies with respect to drugs, that we can never learn to use them wisely. We can put a man on the moon and create the Internet, but we cannot wisely use the plants that grow at our very feet.
We have to end this hateful defeatist idea that creative minds can never come up with a way to use such drugs safely - while also understanding, as if we were actual ADULTS, that all risky activity has victims, and that this fact should never make us outlaw activities but to teach safest possible use. If we feel otherwise, then we should outlaw drinking liquor and riding horses and driving a car and swimming and hunting - all of which activities kill many times those the number that die from drugs - except when we include the totally unnecessary deaths that are caused by drug prohibition itself, which causes drive-by shootings and civil wars overseas while ensuring contaminated product and failing to teach safe use.
I should note in closing that happiness does not have to mean hysterical laughter. Meister Eckhart, the German quietist whom Schopenhauer frequently praises in "Will and Idea," tells us that a human being who completely identifies with God (that is, with the will writ large) would be happy even in hell. Happiness here is not just the frenzied wisecracking of a teenage delinquent, which is the only species of happiness that the Drug Warrior would have us consider in this context.
Finally, my goal has not been to take potshots at an easy (i.e., long-dead) target. I find much of value in Schopenhauer's work, not just from what he says but what he hints at. I have highlighted the late philosopher's problematic contentions because of the negative effect that their unchallenged appearance may have had on his readers in the past and to lessen their likelihood of misleading readers in the future, especially those who, like almost everyone these days, have been indoctrinated by the state since grade school in the drug-hating ideology of Christian Science.
Author's Follow-up: January 27, 2025
I am the first philosopher to reveal the hidden Drug War prejudices of Arthur Schopenhauer. And these are highly relevant to an understanding of his principal work, "The World as Will and Idea/Representation," wherein he presupposes predestination and an unknowable Will. For he does so in total ignoration of both the psychological and mystical effects of a wide variety of psychoactive drugs. The mindful use of a variety of drugs, including opium, can get ourselves outside of our biasing and limiting ego, which is, after all, the fundamental goal of the mystics whom Schopenhauer praises. Yet the German pessimist appears to be unaware of this potential, which I argue, however, exists (at least to a certain degree) as a matter of psychological common sense. Moreover, psychedelics give us glimpses of those potentially noumenal worlds that William James said we must study in order to understand the nature of ultimate reality. While the ontological status of such drug-inspired (or drug-facilitated) worlds may be debated, they cannot be dismissed out of hand as philosophically irrelevant, and that appears to be what Schopenhauer has done.
More accurately, he appears to have been totally unaware of the very existence of the sorts of drug-induced states involved here. Of course, Schopenhauer died when the American philosopher was just 18 years old, but the ideas that James championed in his lifetime date back thousands of years, to the use of soma in the Vedic religion, to the use of opium in ancient Greek ritual and to the use of psychedelics in the Eleusinian Mysteries. It is also worth noting that the high-profile recipients of the kykeon at Eleusis often couched their praise of the rite in the awed and reticent language of mystics like Meister Eckhart, whom Schopenhauer holds up as a kind of role model for true understanding, or rather the truest possible understanding available here below to humans as such.
Schopenhauer considers that we essentially are our "wills." Our very bodies are merely the incarnation of our will. This will, moreover, is determined once and for all, even before our birth. Our behavior is thus causally determined and is the inexorable result of our will employing the specific motives available to it in life (in light of the particular nature of its psychological and physical environment) as necessary to "have its way." One can apparently transcend this determinism, however, by denying one's will (that is, by transcending the ego), something of which only geniuses (or at least potential geniuses) are thought to be capable -- geniuses and madmen, perhaps, a duo which Schopenhauer tells us have much in common. Schopenhauer's shortcoming consists of his failure to understand that many psychoactive drugs help one transcend ego, if only in psychological ways, and that some drugs, psychedelics in particular, have the potential to disable perceptual filters that keep us from obtaining faint glimpses of the noumenal world of Immanuel Kant, or what Schopenhauer would refer to as the Will writ large. To repeat: the ontological status of such drug-facilitated glimpses may be debated, but the first step is for philosophers to acknowledge the simple fact that such states exist.
Of course, most modern philosophers are worse than Schopenhauer. They rule out mystical states a priori in the name of hateful behaviorism. Among these are the materialist doctors of our time who are complicit in the government-sponsored lie that time-honored medicines have no known positive uses whatsoever. They do not care that laughing gas makes depressed folk like myself laugh, nor that its use gives us something to look forward to, and that this anticipation is therapeutically beneficial in itself. No, they ignore all psychological common sense. Nor do they care that opium was considered a panacea by ancient physicians, nor that coca can clearly help certain lethargic and depressed individuals to finally get things done in life. They want to know if such drugs "really" can help us depressed folks -- which means they are on a metaphysical quest for the holy grail of reductively-determined cures -- one whose achievement would flatter their purely materialist understanding of the world. And so they continue pursuing their Quixotic but well-funded quest to prove the omnipotence of materialism, while the depressed pay the price by going without blatantly obvious godsends, some of which grow at their very feet.
In reality, of course, it is a category error to put materialists in charge of mind and mood medicine. The experts in that realm are first and foremost, the living, breathing human beings themselves, the drug users themselves, who are the best acquainted with their own psychospiritual needs and desires. Their relevant helpers, in turn, are a class of empathic individuals with an extensive knowledge of how a wide variety of drugs can be used strategically and as safely as possible given the "patient's" own risk tolerance when it comes to bringing about the psychospiritual states that he or she desires. The relevant helpers, in short, are modern-day shamans, a category that has scarcely yet been imagined, let alone populated with the appropriately caring and knowledgeable individuals. The materialists are of no use here and in fact are an actual hindrance. Their world is all about quantities, not qualities, and their intrusion into the psychological realm is based on a view of human beings as biochemical robots, hence the psychiatric pill mill and its one-size-fits-all cures for whatever ails us.
Finally, despite Schopenhauer's criticism of materialists, he shares their irritating habit of looking at nature and saying, in effect, "Nothing to see here!" -- in the sense that what we are seeing could not have been otherwise than what it is. It is just that in the case of Schopenhauer, it is the individual will that inexorably determines events (in interaction with "motive" -- i.e. environment -- and with the wills of other people, animals and things), whereas the materialist cites the mere interaction of goal-free matter. Schopenhauer thus believes in teleology but not design. The will seeks its own fulfilment in life, hence the teleology, but the resulting world at large is simply a predetermined outcome of the interacting expressions of wills of countless creatures and things (for even the stones at our feet have a kind of basic will that is expressed in their peculiar material properties), and so what it produces in the aggregate -- i.e., nature as we know it -- is a necessary result. That is to say, it is not the result of any conscious design on the part of an entity that we call "nature" to create what we think of as beauty.
As I am new to Schopenhauer's views on this topic, I hesitate to criticize them here. I fear I may say something that I will have to take back -- or at least to qualify -- upon further study. Moreover, Schopenhauer's pronouncements are sometimes self-contradictory and the reader is thus obliged to infer some greater context in which they would make sense given his overall philosophical stance. Let me just tentatively suggest, however, that I can imagine a world in which the interaction of wills as mentioned above would result in a constantly changing world of patterns in the physical world, none of which patterns would strike the onlooking human being as particularly beautiful or consistent. And yet the nature that we see is, indeed, both beautiful and consistent, according to no less a judge than Schopenhauer himself! One therefore cannot help but suppose that there is a meta-design element involved here, something that the individual will itself may be "unaware of" but for which the will itself is but a cog in a wheel -- a wheel of the Will writ large, a wheel that has been inexplicably rigged to collectively output something that we, (i.e. our individual wills) would consider to be beautiful.
This is design at several removes, perhaps, but it is still design. The alternative would be to suggest that the perceptually beautiful end result of the interaction of wills is just a coincidence, and such an outcome would be a clear violation of our concept of probability. Even staunch evolutionists agree with that latter statement, whether they realize it or not. They may never say that they agree, but their actions prove that they do. Francis Crick would not have postulated panspermia (the alien seeding of our world with life) had he clearly seen a way in which our beautiful and consistent natural world could have come about by mere chance. Nor would there be serious academic interest in the theory of multiple universes if scientists were complacent about the ability of random chance to bring about the sort of beautiful and consistent world that we actually inhabit. These materialists were forced to ignore Ockham's razor, merely because they had ruled out design a priori -- nay, not just design but teleology itself -- and for the childish reason that Schopenhauer criticizes in his chef d'oeuvre: namely, because they narrowly associate teleology with church dogma and fail to see in it a time-honored principle that had its philosophical origins long before Christianity, in the ontological views of such Greek philosophers as Aristotle and Plato.
Immanuel Kant
Anyone familiar with the philosophies of both Immanuel Kant and William James should understand that philosophers have a duty to investigate what we westerners call 'altered states' and hence have a duty to disdainfully deride and denounce the outlawing of psychoactive substances. Kant's basic message, as inspired by Hume, is that we cannot understand ultimate realities in words, but as James insists in "The Varieties of Religious Experience," it is our duty as philosophers to try to understand such realities EXPERIENTIALLY, i.e., with the help of psychoactive substances such as nitrous oxide.
"No account of the universe in its totality," wrote James, "can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded."
This is why it is a shame that I am the only philosopher in the world who contacted the FDA to protest their recent plans to begin treating nitrous oxide as a "drug" and so further discourage its use in metaphysical research. Alas, such goal-driven substance use is already considered unthinkable by most academics thanks to their brainwashed fealty to the drug war ideology of substance demonization. Thus I was the only philosopher in the world who spoke up on behalf of the legacy of William James and on behalf of academic freedom, for that matter, by pleading with the FDA to refrain from further marginalizing an already vastly underused substance. (In a sane world, the suicidal would be given laughing gas kits in the same way that we provide epi pens for those with severe allergies.)
But then this is the point of my entire website and the hundreds of essays that it contains: to demonstrate to the world that the drug war and prohibition are a cancer on the body politic and not just a matter of a few laws set up to discourage hedonists. For the idea that we should hate psychoactive substances is itself a metaphysical notion peculiar to the western mindset and not some logical truth that any unbiased mind must accept. Unfortunately, scientists seem to know, as it were subconsciously, that the drug war is a good thing, for it is clearly biased in the name of the materialism which they themselves profess. In the wake of the technological revolution, science is feeling omniscient, and so it naturally wants to avoid dealing with drug effects and the variability of human emotions. They cannot be quantified, as behaviorist materialism requires. So philosophers and scientists alike see a benefit in drug laws that outlaw substances that facilitate mystical feelings and ontological intimations: "Good riddance to such namby-pamby data," says the materialist in their "heart of hearts."
And so the drug war outlaws precisely those substances whose use conduces to a non-materialist view of the world, one in which we have intimations about the supposedly "unknowable" world of the noumena. And why is the noumena unknowable to us? First, thanks to the merely pragmatic nature of our perceptions as explained by Kant. But also thanks to the inherent limitations of that incomplete and fallible communication system that we call human language, whose inevitable shortcomings and vagaries seem to bar us from definitively saying anything that could not, at least in theory, be plausibly gainsaid in that same inherently malleable language.
These limitations of human language contrast tellingly, however, with the vivid experiential convictions about reality that are communicated by substance use according to the trip reports of the psychonauts of all ages. We can debate the ontological significance of such experiences, of course, but let us remember that it was precisely such "use" that opened James' mind to a world of potential realities of whose existence he had previously been blissfully unaware. Why? Because of his previous self-satisfied acceptance of materialist principles.
Unfortunately, modern philosophers have ceded their job of metaphysical investigation to psychonauts like James Fadiman, Alex Gibbons and Jim Hogshire. Not that there is anything wrong with the research of these latter truth seekers, but it is a shame that philosophers are not working with them to promote human progress and philosophical understanding. And so if metaphysics is dead in the 21st century, it is because today's philosophers have abandoned the pursuit of truth in the name of supporting America's hateful and superstitious war on psychoactive substances.
According to Kant, we can know nothing about the noumenal world, or ultimate reality, but this claim is not true*. In making that claim, Kant was unaware of the metaphysical insights provided by psychoactive drug use. There is such a thing as "experiential proof" inspired by such use -- an absolute conviction that is felt "in every fiber of one's being," as opposed to having been "proven" for one syllogistically in the fallible and eternally insufficient communication method that we call human language.
This is Kant's Holy Grail, had he only realized it, a way to move forward with metaphysical research: by looking for experiential proof of ultimate realities rather than merely logical ones.
A critic might say, yes, but metaphysics cannot be based on experience. But by that word, one has always meant sober experience. That implicit qualification was itself established before we understood the fallibility of the senses. The transcendent experience I reference here is of another kind, being contemplated in the mind and not processed through the sense organs typically associated with experience.
*Kant's claim could be salvaged, perhaps, by specifying the type of "knowledge" that we're talking about here. My point is simply that Kant seemed unaware of the power of psychoactive drugs to inspire states that provide us with convictions with respect to the noumenal world. Whether the source of those convictions is "knowledge" properly so-called is an interesting question, but one well beyond the scope of these comments and unnecessary for their rational evaluation.
Schopenhauer synthesizes the ideas of Immanuel Kant and Plato with the philosophy of eastern religions, according to which we human beings are unable to perceive Reality writ large. This limitation, however, which both Schopenhauer and Kant suggest applies to all human beings as such, may actually only apply to "sober" individuals, as William James was to point out a decade after Schopenhauer's death. James realized that the strategic use of drugs that provide self-transcendence can help one see past the so-called Veil of Maya. He went so far as to insist that philosophers must use such substances in an effort to understand ultimate realities -- advice that, alas, most modern philosophers seem committed to ignoring.
"No account of the universe in its totality," wrote James, "can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded."
The exciting thing now is to consider Schopenhauer's philosophy in light of the revelations provided by certain drug use and to assess how such epiphanies tend to confirm, qualify or perhaps even refute the German pessimist's ideas about an eternal and unchangeable will, a will which the philosopher tells us is manifested in (or rather manifested AS) objects, animals, plants and persons. Schopenhauer tells us that the will corresponding to these entities is purposeful, for it seeks to create a specific kind of object or individual, but that the will is also meaningless, in the sense that the fact that it IS a specific kind of will is an arbitrary given, to which we need not ascribe any purpose, let alone a creator.
I am still trying to wrap my head around that latter claim, by the way, the idea that there can be teleology without design. I think I am slowly beginning to understand what Schopenhauer means by that claim in light of Kantian distinctions, but I am by no means sure that I agree with him. Yet I am not qualified to push back at this time. Further reading is required on my part before I can either refute him advisedly, or else concede his point. I do find, however, that Schopenhauer occasionally makes definitive-sounding claims that are actually quite open to obvious refutations.
In "The World as Will and Idea," for instance, he states that tropical birds have brilliant feathers "so that each male may find his female." Really? Then why are penguins not decked out with technicolor plumage? To assign "final causes" like this to nature is to turn animals into the inkblots of a biological Rorschach test. Not only is Schopenhauer being subjective here, but he has an agenda in making this particular kind of claim: he wants to underscore his belief that there is a logical causative explanation behind the fact that "wills" of the tropical birds would manifest in this colorful way, that it was not some act of extravagance on the part of a whimsical creator. But this kind of explanation is not the least bit compelling since one can imagine dozens of equally plausible "final causes" for the feature in question: the birds want to attract mates, the birds want to warn off predators, the birds want to mimic other yellow birds, the birds want to collectively camouflage themselves while roosting as one big yellow object (or more accurately, the birds' wills want to do these things).
One senses that Schopenhauer would respond as follows: "Fine. Give any reason you like, Ballard. But whatever you do, do not tell me that some suppositious God likes variety!"
And what about this famous pessimism? It's so typical of curmudgeons to try to make a universal law out of their own psychological issues. Schopenhauer does not seem to understand that attitude matters. As Hamlet said, "I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." It is neither the shortness of life nor the inhumanity of our fellows that ruins life for most people -- but rather their attitude TOWARD such circumstances. Every manic-depressive knows that a blue sky and party cake does not make a person happy, nor living amid postcard scenery. One can commit suicide in Disneyland just as well as Skid Row. It is attitude, attitude, attitude that matters -- from which it follows that it is a sin to outlaw substances that can help us adopt a positive attitude toward life. That's why it's so frustrating that philosophers like Schopenhauer pretend that life can be judged by circumstances alone. Only once we acknowledge that attitude matters can we clearly see the importance of the many mind-improving medicines of which Mother Nature is full, the meds that we slander today by classing them under the pejorative label of "drugs."
Today's war against drug users is like Elizabeth I's war against Catholics. Both are religious crackdowns. For today's oppressors, the true faith (i.e., the moral way to live) is according to the drug-hating religion of Christian Science.
Why don't those politicians understand what hateful colonialism they are practicing? Psychedelics have been used for millennia by the tribes that the west has conquered -- now we won't even let folks talk honestly about such indigenous medicines.
The drug war outlaws everything that could help both prevent addiction and treat it. And then they justify the war on drugs by scaring people with the specter of addiction. They NEED addiction to keep the drug war going.
The sick thing is that the DEA is still saying that psilocybin has no medical uses and is addictive. They should be put on trial for crimes against humanity for using such lies to keep people from using the gifts of Mother Nature.
Someone should stand outside Jefferson's estate and hand out leaflets describing the DEA's 1987 raid on Monticello to confiscate poppy plants. That raid was against everything Jefferson stood for. The TJ Foundation DISHONORED JEFFERSON and their visitors should know that!
The Shipiba have learned to heal human beings physically, psychologically and spiritually with what they call "onanyati," plant allies and guides, such as Bobinsana, which "envelops seekers in a cocoon of love." You know: what the DEA would call "junk."
Drug warriors have taught us that honest about drugs encourages drug use. Nonsense! That's just their way of suppressing free speech about drugs. Americans are not babies, they can handle the truth -- or if they cannot, they need education, not prohibition.
Aleister Crowley actually TRIED to get addicted to drugs and found he could not. These things are not inevitable. The fact that there are town drunkards does not mean that we should outlaw alcohol.
The benefits of entheogens read like the ultimate wish-list for psychiatrists. It's a shame that so many of them are still mounting a rear guard action to defend their psychiatric pill mill -- which demoralizes clients by turning them into lifetime patients.
It is consciousness which, via perception, shapes the universe into palpable forms. Otherwise it's just a chaos of particles. The very fact that you can refer to "the sun" shows that your senses have parsed the raw data into a specific meaning. "We" make this universe.
Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans
You have been reading an article entitled, Schopenhauer and Drugs published on January 26, 2025 on AbolishTheDEA.com. For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at abolishTheDEA.com. (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)