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Three Problems With Rick Doblin's MAPS

by Ballard Quass, the Drug War Philosopher

September 26, 2023

ick Doblin conceived of MAPS (the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) as an end run around stubborn drug law. Since the DEA was so intent on keeping drugs illegal, Rick figured he would work WITH them in order to eventually achieve his legalization goal for psychedelics. Although the goal was worthy and Rick brave (if not downright mad, given the Herculean and time-consuming labor involved in such a task), there are downsides to his approach to drug re-legalization, at least one of which has never been mentioned before (see item number 2 in the following list).

1) By working with the government to legalize psychedelic medicine (and conceptually related meds like MDMA), Rick has contributed to the creation of what Julian Buchanan calls a Drug War apartheid. The good guys, according to the current Drug War apartheid, are caffeine, nicotine, Big Pharma pills, and alcohol. The bad guys, what we deride as "drugs" today, are psychedelics, coca, opium, iboga, ayahuasca. Rick's approach does not seek to change this political and ideological framework, but merely to shove psychedelics from the bad guy to the good guy side of the equation.

This ignores the real problem of the Drug War and prohibition: namely, its anti-scientific (and indeed anti-Christian) propensity to blame evil on inanimate substances (naturally occurring ones at that) rather than on people and the laws and societies that they create. The MAPS organization is therefore, however unintentionally, collaborating with the DEA to take America's eyes off the prize and to continue referring all social problems to the big bad evil American boogieman called "drugs." (And so when the wildly overfunded DEA says "BOO!", Americans leap to attention and ask: "What shall we outlaw NEXT?!")

No schools need to be fixed, no health care reform is needed, despite the overwhelming popular support for all such social goals. No, we need to crack down ever harder on the scapegoat of drugs. Such counsel seems highly convenient coming from a right-wing Congress full of hypocritical skinflints, whose motto seems to be: "Billions for law enforcement, not one cent for social problems." Have Americans never stopped to ask if the goal here might be the militarization of local police forces, not the protection of our white suburban teens whom we have refused to educate about "drugs"?

But there's an additional problem that literally nobody has mentioned but myself (well, credit where credit's due, I suppose, right?).

2) If America is going to launch a sort of Manhattan Project to promote the use of therapeutic psychedelic drugs, the first beneficiary of that project should be the tens of millions of depressed Americans who have become dependent on mind-numbing big pharma meds for life. It is prohibition, after all, that shunted 1 in 4 Stateside women off onto those meds in the first place. Surely they should be the first candidates to benefit from the liberating power of psychedelics. *

To the contrary. The MAPS organization still touts the party line, namely that we pill users should keep "taking our meds," that the psychedelic breakthrough is only for those with no SSRIs in their body chemistry (for fear of a poorly studied and - as far as I can tell - overhyped fear of the so-called Serotonin Toxicity Syndrome). In other words, they will never let poor Rudolphs like myself join in any psychedelic reindeer games. The vast majority of the depressed in America, therefore, have nothing to gain from the MAPS organization, except perhaps the privilege of seeing their own children grow up with options that their parents never had.

Sadly, Dr. Carl Hart believes in this exclusionary setup as well. In "Drug Use for Grown-Ups," he makes it clear to his readers that the depressed should keep taking their meds, that his problem-free use of other drugs is only to be emulated by emotionally healthy individuals. I found this very disappointing, since I have been waiting all my life to be allowed to use the medicines that grow at my feet, and now even a proponent of legalization is telling me that such medicines are not for me: that materialist science has the answer instead, in the form of pills that I have to take every day of my life, thus turning me into an eternal patient.

But if 40-plus years of pill popping means anything, then these pills do not work.** But they have turned me into a modern Ancient Mariner, who has to hove into HealthCare Port every three months to share his innermost thoughts with a stranger half (or even one-third) his own age. That's not exactly empowerment, Carl and Rick. Besides, do we really believe that 1 in 4 women are so badly depressed that they need to take Big Pharma pills every single day of their life? If that is the case, then I would suggest that there is something wrong with America, not with American women.

In an uncharitable mood, one might say that the MAPS program is really designed to let well-to-do ex-hippies use psychedelics legally and even take up a lucrative practice to help others use - meanwhile ignoring the human roadkill that prohibition has left behind by shunting the depressed off onto substances whose long-term use of SSRIs and SNRIs disqualifies them even for psychedelic trials, let alone psychedelic therapy.

3) Finally, there is something wrong with any right-thinking agency collaborating with the DEA. This lends legitimacy to an organization that has lied about psychoactive medicines for 40-plus years now and knowingly poisoned Americans with paraquat and other chemicals, in the same way that past governments poisoned drinkers with liver-destroying "rotgut" during prohibition. The DEA, as Rick well knows, also went against the advice of its own counsel when it outlawed MDMA in 1985, thus throwing hundreds of thousands of PTSD victims, many of them soldiers, under the bus, in order to protect DEA jobs.

Finally, if I want to use the kind of drugs that have inspired entire religions, fight depression, or follow up on the research of William James into altered states, I should not have to live in fear of the DEA crashing down my door and shouting: "GO! GO! GO!"

And until the DEA renounces that mindset entirely, the MAPS collaboration with the DEA will indeed seem to me like collaboration in the sinister sense of that term.

*The more so given that the meds in question have not cured depression as promised, but have led instead to the greatest mass drug dependency in American history. That habituation level is many times greater than the 1 in 10 Americans who smoked opium regularly (according to Jim Hogshire) prior to 1914. In other words, the Drug War is not about ending drug use: it's about making sure that Americans are using what the politicians considered to be the RIGHT drugs.

**For more on this topic, see Why SSRIs are Crap.

Note that I do not say that such antidepressants are completely useless. They may even keep someone from committing suicide. But then any pill that sufficiently addles or fogs the brain might do that. They purportedly work according to materialist criteria that turned out to be false: they do not fix a chemical imbalance, they cause one instead (Robert Whitaker). Whatever good they do is therefore gratuitous. And they muck around with serotonin in such a way that makes the use of many other substances problematic. This has the look of a puritan conspiracy almost: You give me a drug that will not make me TOO happy but will make it impossible for me to use drugs that TRULY make me happy. These drugs bring with them a lot of materialist and puritanical baggage and capitalist baggage. These are drugs that one has to take every day of their lives, after all -- which is obviously in the interests of big pharma, who handsomely pay off politicians to keep the Drug War status quo. (See Billionaire Democracy by George R. Tyler)

Next essay: Physics has found a theory of everything
Previous essay: Noam Chomsky on Drugs
More Essays Here

The latest hits from Drug War Records, featuring Freddie and the Fearmongers!

1. Requiem for the Fourth Amendment

2. There's No Place Like Home (until the DEA gets through with it)

3. O Say Can You See (what the Drug War's done to you and me)

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Some Tweets against the hateful war on drugs

First America takes away the citizen's right to manage their own pain by rendering opium illegal. Then the psychiatric field treats the resultant epidemic of depression by damaging the patient's brain, i.e., by treating depressed patients with shock therapy.
"My faith votes and strives to outlaw religions that use substances of which politicians disapprove."
Alcohol is a drug in liquid form. If drug warriors want to punish people who use drugs, they should start punishing themselves.
The Drug War is based on a huge number of misconceptions and prejudices. Obviously it's about power and racism too. It's all of the above. But every time I don't mention one specifically, someone makes out that I'm a moron. Gotta love Twitter.
ME: "What are you gonna give me for my depression, doc? MDMA? Laughing gas? Occasional opium smoking? Chewing of the coca leaf?" DOC: "No, I thought we'd fry your brain with shock therapy instead."
The FDA is not qualified to tell us whether holistic medicines work. They hold such drugs to materialist standards and that's pharmacological colonialism.
The FDA will be accepting comments through September 20th on the subject of ways to fight PTSD. Ask them why they support brain-damaging shock therapy but won't approve drugs like MDMA that could make ECT unnecessary.
In an article about Mazatec mushroom use, the author says: "Mushrooms should not be considered a drug." He misses the point: NOTHING should be considered a drug: every substance has potential good uses.
The existence of a handful of bad outcomes of drug use does not justify substance prohibition... any more than the existence of drunkards justifies a call for liquor prohibition. Instead, we need to teach safe use and offer a wide choice of uncontaminated psychoactive drugs.
The FDA approves of shock therapy and the psychiatric pill mill, but they cannot see the benefits in MDMA, a drug that brought peace, love and understanding to the dance floor in 1990s Britain.
More Tweets

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Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans

You have been reading an article entitled, Three Problems With Rick Doblin's MAPS published on September 26, 2023 on For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)